Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The NETS-T2 standard states that teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.

The indicator I'm going to use is a: design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

I'm currently in another technology course at Miami and we are having to make a podcast with audio and video. The videos have to be instructional and informative. I chose to do my video on How to Paint Like Jackson Pollock. I included some background information about him and showed a short clip from a film. Then I taped some kids (and myself) creating their own Pollock paintings. When I use this in the classroom, I plan on showing the podcast and then have students do their own paintings. So this podcast can be used as a motivation and it just is a different way of introducing an artist rather than just showing some images and reading from a book. Another idea I had would be to have students pick their own artist and then create a film about their particular artist and the type of art they did.

There are a couple of different movie makers. I've used both iMovie and Windows Movie Maker. I used iMovie a few years ago on a Mac and I loved it because you could edit music also. I'm currently using Windows Movie Maker and I'm having issues with getting music mixed and edited to fit into the video because most PC's don't come with a music editor (or atleast mine doesn't). There's really not that much of a difference in the video editing, but I'm just having issues with putting everything together.


  1. If you are looking for ideas, the Museum of Modern Art in New York has a podcast. Their website is at You can check it out the podcast at

  2. OOhh...I would love to learn more about podcasting and video editing, it seems like so much fun to do.
