Wednesday, February 25, 2009


The NETS-T2 standard states that teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.

The indicator I'm going to use is a: design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity.

I'm currently in another technology course at Miami and we are having to make a podcast with audio and video. The videos have to be instructional and informative. I chose to do my video on How to Paint Like Jackson Pollock. I included some background information about him and showed a short clip from a film. Then I taped some kids (and myself) creating their own Pollock paintings. When I use this in the classroom, I plan on showing the podcast and then have students do their own paintings. So this podcast can be used as a motivation and it just is a different way of introducing an artist rather than just showing some images and reading from a book. Another idea I had would be to have students pick their own artist and then create a film about their particular artist and the type of art they did.

There are a couple of different movie makers. I've used both iMovie and Windows Movie Maker. I used iMovie a few years ago on a Mac and I loved it because you could edit music also. I'm currently using Windows Movie Maker and I'm having issues with getting music mixed and edited to fit into the video because most PC's don't come with a music editor (or atleast mine doesn't). There's really not that much of a difference in the video editing, but I'm just having issues with putting everything together.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

NETS-T1 Continued

So, I am going to continue with the post from last week. In our EDT610 class last week, we discusses wiki spaces and now I realize that those would be a perfect way for students to discuss and bounce ideas off of one another on one site.

As I was looking through other blogs from people in class, I found on Jessica's the PowerPoint games website. This is amazing! They have so many different topics and it was nice to see that they included art in there. There are games on the site so that groups of people could play and collaborate together. This is a great way for students to learn about the elements and principals of art. It also can make art history more exciting! I will definitely have to let some of my art education friends know about this site.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


The NETS standard we covering this week is "Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity" which states that teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. The indicator I am choosing to discuss is C: promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students' conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes.

In the a high school art classroom, it is important for students to plan, think, and collaborative creatively.  When students are planning for a project it really helps to be able to bounce ideas off of other people and discuss what you are planning to do.  This is also a good skill to use in the future.  There is a website called where artists from all over can post their own artwork to the web so people can view and comment on it.  This is a great place for students to go for ideas.  I'm currently at a school and the website is blocked, however, the site has it's own safety settings so that a teacher could have it set up.  So students can go here to get ideas, while they could also post their own artwork to see what other artists and viewers have to say about.  

I think it would also be a great idea for students to be able to have a discussion board somewhere online.  I'm not sure if you can set one up on ProgressBook, but they have them on BlackBoard at Miami.  This way, groups could get together online to discuss a certain topic on a certain subject.  Again, I'm not sure of a specific site to use, but I'm pretty sure this is possible.  

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The indicator I choose is: Teachers participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.

This indicator fits perfectly with the arts. Two weeks ago (when there was no snow on the ground) we broke off into groups to discuss different ways technology could assist your field of education. This was one of the topics I, personally, would like to improve. I feel that students, today, don't understand other cultures or ideas outside of their own realm of information. When I did an art history project with my high school students during student teaching, I had a really hard time getting them to understand why they were doing this. It was hard to convince them that history and other cultures from around the world effect things (in this case artwork) today. I think that if I had used other tools to express different artists, the outcome would have been different.

I think that the website iEARN (International Education and Resource Network) would be a great tool for the classroom to help students learn about other cultures. This is also a great tool for teachers. Classrooms can do projects together, over the internet, with other classrooms from other countries. There is also a section on their website that is called The Collaboration Center. It goes through different projects that groups have done in the past and projects that will be happening in the near future. I just think this is a great resource! Also, as an educator, they have forums where teachers can join and chat amongst themselves about different topics. This could be very helpful to talk with a teacher from another country. This could help open up your eyes, as an educator, to see what else is out there.